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Soyuz Microphones

Since the early 1970s and the subsequent re-issue over 20 years ago, the 525Discrete Compressor has become one of the most trusted vintage-stylecompressors in the industry. Building on the powerful core circuitry of the original525, the new 525A maintains the discrete audio path and expands the feature setfor even more applications in the modern studio. It artfully combines API’sproprietary transformers, 2510 and 2520 opamps, retaining the soniccharacteristics of the original while exhibiting the reliability, long life, anduniformity which is characteristic of all API products.


NEW – Variable Attack adjustable from 15 microseconds to 15 milliseconds
NEW 7 selectable Release Modes (.05 to 2.0 Seconds)
Unique Ceiling Control simultaneously combines Threshold and Make-up Gain
Classic1970s style analog gain reduction VU meter
Traditional API discrete audio path circuit design
Equipped with 2520 and 2510 opamps
ProprietaryAPI output transforme
Balanced Input/Output
Hardware Bypass

“I have always loved the 525 Compressor, but wished that I could have morecontrol over the attack and release times to make it more useful on things likedrums, etc,” commented Grammy Award-Winning Engineer and API TechnicianPaul Leavitt. “The new features built into the 525A really make this classic FETcompressor an even more indispensable tool in the studio.”

