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Mike Senior is a recognised freelance engineer and one of Sound On Sound’s esteemed authors. Mike offers his advice about multi-miking drums and guitars all while doing a live session with ‘Brushes Held Like Hammers’. Great read with audio examples and photos!

“When I record, I prefer to get my microphones to do the heavy lifting, rather than relying on masses of outboard processing to get the timbres I’m looking for — it’s more fun spending time in the live room with the musicians (rather than in the control room twiddling knobs), the results always seem to sound better with less effort, and it’s usually cheaper into the bargain! In particular, I love using multi-miking to craft tones, which is why I never seem to have enough tracks available when recording bands!

My recent session for Brushes Held Like Hammers was a case in point, because I wanted to run up 20 mics out in the room with the band, but only had 16 inputs on the recorder. However, on this occasion I happened to have access to a pair of ASP008 units, which helped provide a rather elegant solution to this problem. Let me explain…” Read the full article here.

