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Registrare strumenti acustici usando due Royer R-122 MKll, con Andrew Synowiec

Il chitarrista e polistrumentista di Los Angeles Andrew Synowiec riceve molte richieste di registrare strumenti acustici e chitarre elettriche nei suoi House Of Syn Studios. In questo video, Andrew mostra come tiene montati su una barra stereo mobile due R-122 MKll e come li usa per registrare tutti i suoi numerosi strumenti acustici. Andrew registra divestre session com charango, dobro, bouzouki, ukulele, chitarra acustica, chitarra classica, chitarra acustica baritono e chitarra a 12 corde.
Los Angeles session guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Andrew Synowiec is in demand, recording many different “vibey” instruments as well as straight up electric guitars in his House Of Syn Studios. In this video, Andrew shows how he keeps two R-122 MKll’s permanently mounted on a movable stereo bar and uses them to record all of his many acoustic instruments. Great demos of Andrew recording the charango, dobro, bouzouki, ukulele, acoustic guitar, nylon string guitar, baritone acoustic guitar and 12-string guitar.

Registrare strumenti acustici usando due Royer R-122 MKll, con Andrew Synowiec

Il chitarrista e polistrumentista di Los Angeles Andrew Synowiec riceve molte richieste di registrare strumenti acustici e chitarre elettriche nei suoi House Of Syn Studios. In questo video, Andrew mostra come tiene montati su una barra stereo mobile due R-122 MKll e come li usa per registrare tutti i suoi numerosi strumenti acustici. Andrew registra divestre session com charango, dobro, bouzouki, ukulele, chitarra acustica, chitarra classica, chitarra acustica baritono e chitarra a 12 corde.
Los Angeles session guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Andrew Synowiec is in demand, recording many different “vibey” instruments as well as straight up electric guitars in his House Of Syn Studios. In this video, Andrew shows how he keeps two R-122 MKll’s permanently mounted on a movable stereo bar and uses them to record all of his many acoustic instruments. Great demos of Andrew recording the charango, dobro, bouzouki, ukulele, acoustic guitar, nylon string guitar, baritone acoustic guitar and 12-string guitar.

